Q. Shane, congratulations on your gold medal in the sprint at the Commonwealth Games! What does it mean to you to win gold for your country? A. After crossing the line a very happy feeling, and when standing on the podium watching the Aussie flag go up and the National Anthem playing, a very humbling feeling and proud moment. Q. How much confidence does this win give you going into the track season in Australia, and further ahead, London 2012? A. Well as they say you are only as good as your last race, so from that for the coming season and London there is still a lot to work on to improve. Of course getting a lot more confidence just from racing at a high level leading into the season coming off the Commonwealth Games. Q. After your unfortunate relegation from the Kieran final, you broke the Games record in your first qualifying heat for the sprint. Were you tearing up the boards in anger, or just had great form going into it? A. I am very proud of the way?I turned things around into a great performance to take the Record and Gold medal in the sprint after disappointment in the Keirin on the same day and only hours later. I can honestly say their was no anger involved in my performance only motivation and enjoying the competition. Q. Given the events in the Kieran, are you happy with how your Commonwealth Games finished, or do you still feel like there?s some unfinished business? A. I am very happy with my games with gold in the Sprint and Games record, especially winning the Blue Ribbon event!! Q. Back home, the media & general public seemed to be right behind you and felt you were harshly treated. Did you have any idea of the support you were receiving from back home while you were competing? A. I was not aware that?I had so much support after the Keirin. Since being home though every one has been fantastic and very supportive and?I am very appreciative for this from Australia.
Q. With all the reports about the Games village and facilities putting the organisers into the spotlight, can you give us an insight into what it was like to be there competing, and how you found your whole Games experience? A. The games experience was fantastic,?I have to say that India did a fantastic job to make us all feel comfortable with their short time limit to have the village finished. The people in India were lovely and?I felt my games experience will be one?I will remember forever in a very happy and positive way! Q. Prior to the Games you spent some time racing kieran?s in Japan. We hear stories all the time about how intense the track racing is over there, can you tell us what it?s really like? A. Yes intense is a pritty solid word and sums it up well. I guess it’s kind of like tennis where you travel from competition to competition just in Japan we get locked down in the Track for 4-5 days without internet or cell phones because of all the betting. It is a very fun experience and?I really enjoyed living in Japan and learning their culture. I look forward to going back their again one day. Q. With all the travelling you do and time spent away from your family, how do you deal with these pressures? And what?s your phone bill like!?
A. Phone bill is gigantic!!!! I wonder if Vodafone might be interested in a sponsorship (that would help out heaps 😉 It does get very tough being away from my wife and 2 year old. My wife is very understanding and supportive of me doing my sport and understands the whole having to travel and to make teams and keep improving, also financially! I wouldn’t be able to do what?I do and also keep improving without my wife and son’s support! Q. Looking ahead, we have big events like the Track World Cup and Austral Wheelrace being held on your home tracks. Have you targeted any races in particular this summer? A. This summer?I am looking forward to the Melbourne World Cup being my last race for the year and hopefully finishing with a good result. I am also looking forward to the break post World Cup Melbourne as?I haven’t had one for almost 3 years!! From January 2011?I will be doing the Australian Titles in mid Feb (that is if our Baby doesn’t come during that time as my wife is due around that time) then going onto the World Championships in late March. Q. How do you train for these big events, and more specifically, how do you practice the sprints? A. Many hours in the gym, on the track, ergo and road bike. All of my training is based on sprinting of course but through out the year the combinations of track, gym, ergo, road change depending on what racing is coming up etc. And finally… Q. If you could be any Sesame Street character for a day, who would you be and why!?? A. My son loves Eelmo so i’ll go with him, he is a pretty cool character!