The Cyclist Psyche – Felix English From Rapha Condor JLT
2013 Victorian Open Road Championships – Criterium – Felix English (image courtesy jxpphotography) The Rapha Condor JLT squad are currently out in Australia on a training camp, and have animated races such as the Bay Cycling Classic, Herald Sun Tour & Victorian Open Road Championships. We took the opportunity to run Felix English through our Cyclist Psyche survey to find out what kind of dinosaur he is! Name Felix English (@FelixEnglish11) TeamRapha-Condor JLTRiding Role Sprinter/Crit rider/Backwards hillclimber Age 20 Weight 66kg (probably 67kg) Peak physical condition periodJan-Mar?????????????? Apr-June???????????? Jul-Sep???????????????? Oct-Dec How would people describe you as a cyclist? Small, fast, risk taker, angry/aggressive/bit of a prick (when I think I can win) and inconsistent How would someone who likes you describe you as a person? A tweed wearing, impulsive, easy going, short arsed scruff bag How would someone who doesn?t like you describe you? Small, inconsistent and English What are the 3 things more important to you than anything else? My home town, WIFI availability, being different You end up replacing Tom Hanks in ?Castaway? on an Island for 4 years. What are the 3 things you take with you and why? Tomato ketchup ? Heinz (very important), a very large notepad and thin black fineline pen (the fineline pen was free with the very large notepad so calling it 1 item) and a camera You can have dinner with anyone you want. Who would it be? Norman Cook Someone scratches your newly arrived race bike. Do you: a)????? Kill them b)????? Kill them in an extremely creative way c)?????? Plan to kill them in an extremely creative way after getting close to them, researching their weaknesses and then striking when they least expect it d)????? Tell them not to stress, it?s only a bike: the sponsors are paying for it (secretly I?d be pretty pissed about the carelessness of the hypothetical culprit)On a training ride do you: a)????? Load up on coffee before you go b)????? Load up on coffee before you go and during the ride (can?t handle stopping mid ride, but still have my favourite little coffee haunt I get to enjoy after training) c)?????? Load up on coffee before you go, during the ride and stop for more at the end at your favourite coffee haunt d)????? WADA is following my caffeine levels closely so I can?t answer that question until after the findings are returned You?re a dinosaur. Are you:a)????? A Monstrous Quadrosaurous b)????? A Skinnius Soclimbus c)?????? An Allroundus d)????? A Helpus Everyonelseus The phone rings at 6am. Do you : a)????? Answer it immediately with a chirpy uplifting welcoming response b)????? Answer it after it rings for a full minute with a chirpy uplifting welcoming response c)?????? Let the answering machine take the call for you (unless it?s The Boss, then I frantically try and find the green button before I miss yet another call) d)????? Answer it immediately so you can find out exactly who wants to ring you at this un-godly hour and then plan their ultimate demise What?s more important to you: a)????? Finishing household chores (usually at the last available opportunity before getting bollocked) b)????? Getting others to finish the household chores for you c)?????? Getting others to finish their household chores and then your household chores d)????? Resting What are you most opinionated about and why? After or during a race I can be very opinionated about anything and everything, particularly if I have screwed up. I find it hard to forgive myself after messing up race winning opportunities ? especially if I have had my team mates committing their own personal chances of getting a result for me. I?ll generally be pretty vocal about exactly how I f?ed up and what I know I should have done better. If you had the power to change one thing in the cycling world, what would it be? Make it compulsory for everyone to have other interests and hobbies outside of cycling Who do you admire most and why? There are lots of people I admire and look up to in cycling and other sports. If I had to pick one, I really admire the way Jon Tiernan-Locke overcame various setbacks through what I think are the toughest years in a cyclists career ? early 20?s where you?re trying your best to make a name yourself in the sport. He obviously has a lot of natural ability but I think the problems he had to overcome to get to where he is now show a really strong mentality, which I don?t think many people have. Who do you ?have difficulties with and why? My year 9 R.E teacher and most people who tell me I?m not capable of doing something What do you want people to know about you? I don?t actually own a road bike, I can play the saxophone, the violin and the guitar, I own a tweed jacket that I bought for $30 from a coffee shop in Bendigo and never ever trust my judgement or decision making abilities after 2 pints of Guinness If you weren?t a cyclist what would you want to be? I?d like to think I?d get on with pretty much any job but if I had a choice I?d choose something creative; photographer or journalist I think ? which would preferably allow you to meet plenty of new and different people in various countries